Friday, January 25, 2013

Feinstein Has lost her mind!

All of this anti gun legislation is pure bullshit!!!  You want some numbers?  The average amount of deaths do to firearms, hovers around 100,000 per year, while abortions average 1.2 million every year, this according to UN statistics.  You can legally kill 1.2 million babies a year, read that again, you can legally kill 1.2 million BABIES a year.  You tell me where our problem is.

You don't have to look far, look at Diane Feinstein, running around getting her face on all the papers and news outlets.  Progressives like this women and many others in the democratic party are coming to take away your way of life.  There going to keep their guns and take yours, oh yes, the measures she has put forth specifically are going to take your weapons and at the same time, if your a government employee you will be able to keep your weapons.

This woman has based here entire career on feeding the fringe left, it's time for people like this to be acknowledged and defeated.  Career politicians MUST go, on either side of the aisle.  All have contributed to the situation we now find ourselves in.  The constitution states that congress cannot give themselves anything that is not available to the American people.  Well, that is overlooked on so many items it is laughable, yet that is what they all swear to do, uphold the constitution.

It's time to make  the hard choices people, are you gonna keep your head in the sand until it becomes too late?  What will your excuse be then?  We need to renew our American values and regain control before we lose the freedoms that remain.  Please get involved to day.  Write your Representatives, write emails, donate money or time or ideas.  There is something that each of us can do to make the changes we need.  Please find out what you can do today and get involved in saving America.

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