Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Left, Politics of Hate.

Politics have become ever so infantile.  Main stream media's rabid perverted "talking heads" have changed the playing field.  Where and how this emergence came to be, I can only speculate.  I think most of it derived from the considerable failure this administration has been.  MM must contrive some excuse to try and maintain any dignity or appearance of importance.  Obama has not just been a failure, he as well as congress have been utter failures.  The blame Bush mentality that swept him to office is over 4 years old now, even many democrats are tired of hearing it.

It became evident to me there was a problem when during the first two years of the democrat controlled  senate, they were unable to put together a budget, much less any other form of progress.  I know from personal experience that you get tired of hearing people point out your failures.  You know you failed , they know you failed, everyone knows you failed.  It can be rough.  However, lies and denial are not the way out.  Becoming a bully is not the way out.  Trying to bypass congress is not the way out.  Delaying the inevitable is not the way out, yet time and time again this is what we are given by the left.  The win at all costs mentality is destroying America.  We are smart enough to understand that no matter how many times you repeat a lie, it still is not the truth.

The democratic/MM pairing was inevitable, at the same time it will never last.  It is as doomed to fail as it was to occur.  The information age has decimated any validity of MM.  The decline of a once powerful and important piece of Americana has given way to witnessing a desperate group of people.  As we all know, desperate people do desperate things.  Maybe I am overstating.  Put a tent over it, because it has become nothing but a circus.  You know, everything in life is fairly cyclical.  Right now as the GOP is imploding, and rightly so I might ad, the tipping point of the democrat meltdown has yet to occur.  I really missed this one by a landslide.  I had no idea how far the dumbing down of America had occurred.

The 2012 re-election of the  Obarnum and Biden circus taught me a strong lesson.  I learned that even if it was a fair election, then the American people who voted for Obama are the most uninformed people our society has ever known (Class warfare hate as I like to call it).  I would like to call them stupid, but I will defer, maybe they are just uninformed.  Whatever...  If on the other hand the election was rigged, well that sucks too.  Either way America, we lose.  If you can't win legitimately, then lie, cheat, and steal, win at all costs, do whatever it takes. Sad reality.  When I have asked liberal friends or acquaintance's to defend Obama, none are able.  Usually they call me a sore loser because "we got our ass kicked".  Or they get pissed that I had the audacity to even bring up the inconsistencies of this administration.  Please people it was an election, not a bar fight.  Just own your president.  Defend him and his policies, defend the economy , the unemployment numbers, the debt, the gun control issues.  You can't do it.  It's indefensible, unfortunately none of you will realize it until it's to late.

What scares me the most is that history is known to repeat itself.  With the divide that this president has created, a civil war is not out of the question.  What will be the straw?

from Texas

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